The 2020/21 School Swim Season is currently on HOLD.

School Swim & Race Program

At Island Swimming, we are proud to assist local schools in offering a school swim program that promotes a healthy lifestyle in a fun yet challenging atmosphere.

The Benefits of Swimming

Allow our quality coaching staff to prepare your students for the annual Elementary/Middle School Championship Swim Meet. 
Watch them enjoy a sense of school pride as we introduce them to the exciting world of competitive swimming.


Where are we located?
Currently, we only offer the school program at Commonwealth Pool and Juan de Fuca. However, we plan to expand this to include the Panorama Pool in Brentwood and possibly Sooke Seaparc depending on interest and registration numbers.

Who can take part in this program?
All public and private Elementary and Middle schools on Southern Vancouver Island are invited to apply for this program. 
For safety reasons, we suggest students have a minimum of Swim Kids Level 6 or be able to complete one length of the 25 metre pool. However, we leave it up to each school to decide the minimum age or grade level for their swim team. 

What is required from the school?

Each school is required to provide at least one teacher or sponsor who must attend all practices. A teacher from each school must also be prepared to attend all swim meets and supervise their student swimmers.

Schools should have volunteers to assist with transporting students and to help out on deck during swim practices as required.

Estimated registration numbers need to be provided prior to starting the program and should be finalized by the third swim practice.

Schools are required to submit their own entries for the school swim meets.

Program costs are the responsibility of the school.  Please enquire for fees at your preferred pool.

A Team Roster must be brought to the first practice and should also be submitted by email to;  

When does the school program run?

All public and private Elementary and Middle schools on Southern Vancouver Island are invited to apply for this program

The program can start as early as November and runs through to the beginning of March.  We recommend that school start no later than the middle of November to allow 12-14 practice sessions prior to Championships. 

Schools are asked to indicate their preferred weeks on the registration form.

2019-2020 School Swim and Race Program Package

Sample Student Registration Form 
(This is a sample form that the school can use, Island Swimming does NOT require a copy of this form.) 

School Swim Competitions

Stand Up and Race Meet
Event Date: 
Sunday, January 19, 2020 @ 11:00am
Entry Information Due: Friday, January 10, 2020.
Meet Package can be found here.

Victoria Elementary and Middle School Preliminary Meet 
Qualifying meet for non-competitive swimmers
Event Date:  Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Meet Results can be found here
Meet Package

Victoria Elementary and Middle School Championships  
Event Date: Sunday, February 23, 2020
Meet Results can be found here
meet package

For more information on any of our school swim programs please contact Diana Shields at